Thursday, 9 October 2008

Holy ground

We were walking slowly and silently through the park that day. Each one of us wrapped up in our thoughts or even devoid of active thoughts but being silent before the Lord. I love this kind of thing, you know the stuff that scares so many people - being close with the Father and Creator of me. The one who knows me more intimately than anyone else does. The one who put me together in my mother's womb. The one who loves me unconditionally. The Lord God Almighty. I love to be close with Him. Jesus walked closely with the Father, and by His Spirit that is alive in me I can walk closely with Him also. Anyway, I was walking through the park and in front of me I could see Tom taking off his sandles and walking barefoot through the grass. I stopped to watch him and as I looked God spoke to my spirit. He said, "the ground on which you are walking is holy because every step that you take is in my footprints. " As I walked on I was aware of the Lord stepping ahead of me, just ahead of me, in such a way that as I placed my feet on the ground I knew that every step was hallowed. This immense sense of the Lord's presence stays with me still. I'm aware of His delight as I acknowledge Him in all my doings and beings. I'm aware of His displeasure as I grieve Him and of His embrace as I repent. He is my strength and the very air that I breath. As I walk this journey with 24-7 Prayer I am so zealous to see His Kingdom come that there are times when I get out of step with His Spirit and I long for that not to be so, but He has a wonderful way of bringing me back in time with Him. I have wonderful friends who pray with me and for me and are precious enough to me to be able to correct me when I'm going too fast. I bless the Lord for them. He created us to live in community and to love as He loves us. How wonderful it is to be loved. Dear friends, if you don't know the Father's love ask Him to reveal His heart for you to you. Ask Him to bring you into line with His will and purpose so that you can walk with Him, in His footsteps. It's a lonely road if you travel it alone, but with Jesus it's the greatest adventure.