I’ve been re-reading Pete Grieg’s book ‘God on Mute’ recently and musing about ‘Revival’ in relation to Wales in particular.
Could it be that it was because of a Holy Saturday silence - misinterpreted as God’s absence - when He was in fact calling His children to come deeper and to seek Him with the whole of their hearts, that the past revivals have diminished into the history books rather than producing generations who continue to love the Lord with heart, mind and soul. Or is it that the faith of the fathers had to die with them so that the ‘new thing’ could spring up through the sons?
I keep hearing it said that often we pray continuously, waiting patiently for a suddenly of God – could this be a time that we are praying and expecting a suddenly? I know that I am. I feel like a woman who has long passed ‘full term’ and am crying out, “when will this baby be born?” And just like the delivery of a baby, God is true to His promises. He is always faithful and will deliver at His appointed time.
So we need to keep praying, expectantly, building on the prayers of the generations before us, who have been waiting for a move of the Spirit of God unlike anything experienced even in the revivals that we look back on so longingly, hoping and praying that God will do it again!
What is ‘IT’?
There have been times in the history of the church across the world when we, or at least those who have gone before us, have witnessed unprecedented moves of God. There are times when every prayer appears to have been answered and friends, colleagues and family members become eager to come to know Jesus and embrace faith.
We’ve not known a season such as this in Wales for several generations now. The last recorded ‘revival’ was more than 100 years ago! Some have become students of these wonderful outpourings of the Spirit and are convinced that He will do it again in our time. The ‘it’ that is hoped for varies and is sadly often dependant on a faith in revival rather than a seeking for the face of the Reviver. This is a bold statement and here's another that is firmly rooted in scripture –
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and I’ll heal their land”
Those who have ears to hear have been hearing this scripture from the Father’s heart for easily 10 years now and there have been pockets of humble repentance for seeking our own ways above His ways; forgiveness for seeking our own ends instead of lifting up the poor and for fasting and praying for our own needs without responding to His heart for our neighbours.
During 2011 we’re calling for the body of Christ here in Wales to humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face for our nation to be turned back to Him; for our neighbours to be loved and blessed selflessly by us as individuals and as the manifest body of Christ – His bride. We’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God – isn’t that a fact? But we are also children of the living God who brings restoration and forgiveness to a broken world, so let’s pray continuously for our loving, living God to forgive and restore in our time, in our nation.
If you’d like to be part of the unbroken prayer for Wales to cover the year of 2011 follow this link http://www.24-7prayer.com/signup/b83d14 or paste it into your browser and book some time. Maybe you are already praying regularly for Wales – if so then would you put your regular times down on the diary so that others can be encouraged as we see the year being filled. However, if you are going to organise a day/week/month!! of prayer could you register a prayer room through the web site http://www.24-7prayer.com . You’ll have to register first (top of page) then register the prayer room (you’ll find the link at the bottom of the page) If this is too much bother then send me an email [ lindy.morgan@24-7prayer.com ] or phone me [07946611992] and I’ll do it for you.
2 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.