Monday, 3 November 2014

When is this baby going to be born?

Could it be that it was because of a Holy Saturday silence, misinterpreted as His absence, when God was calling His children to come deeper and to seek Him with the whole of their hearts, that the past revivals have diminished into the history books rather than producing generations who continue to love God with heart, mind and soul.  Or is it that the faith of the fathers had to die with them so that the 'new thing' could spring up through the sons?
I keep on hearing it said that often we pray continuously, waiting patiently for a 'suddenly' of God - could this be a time that we are praying and expecting a suddenly?  I know that I am.  I have felt for a long time like a woman who has long passed 'full term' and have been crying out to God, "When is this baby going to be born?"  Unlike an overdue delivery of a child God is never overdue on His promises. He is always faithful and will deliver at the appointed time.  So we need to keep praying, expectantly, building on the prayers of the generations before us who have been waiting for a move of the Spirit unlike anything experienced even in the revivals that we look back longingly on, just hoping that God will do it again!
Our longing, our waiting, our praying has changed from a looking back and asking for God to do it again.  We are in a season of the fulfilling of our desires for the Spirit to move in our day.  There is a fresh outpouring which brings refreshing not only to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ but will also bring life to those who have been looking on from a distance and from close by. Life in all of it's fulness as Jesus promised.

This baby is being born!

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