INTRODUCTION Why am I writing to you?
In 1999, 24-7prayer stumbled into existence with a vision to ‘turn the tide in youth culture/s’, ‘to transform the world through communities and movements of Christ-centred, mission-minded prayer’… 8 years on, this vision has seeded all over the world - with 24-7prayer rooms and Boiler Room communities in 70+ nations… including Wales.
Over the last 5 yrs, I’ve become gradually more involved in this crazy prayer-mission-justice movement, and having recently been invited to join 24-7’s UK Leadership Team, I believe that the Lord is now leading me to take on some responsibility for 24-7prayer in Wales.
I am convinced that there has never been a more urgent time to get on our knees, to pray and contend for young people and for our nation/generation. The purpose of this letter is to tell you a little bit about me and what I hope to be doing, and to suggest ways that you can get involved, and/or support me. I can’t do this without you!
A little bit about Lindy Morgan… a ‘firestarter’
For the last ten years, I’ve been working with (encouraging, listening to, interceding for…) hundreds of young people… and sometimes they break my heart.
It seems to be the norm for most young people to be brought up by one parent, not to have attended church on a Sunday or to have experienced prayers in school. For many it’s more important to be politically correct than to believe in Jesus or to even consider His moral teaching. Drug and alcohol abuse are at almost epidemic proportions and seeking love through early sexual relations is considered the norm. I’ve worked in schools as a youth worker, attempting to show young people how to have greater self worth and what can be achieved without having high grades in their academic work. I’ve also taught accountancy to underachieving young people, and have seen their hopes rise as they master these simple skills. And for the past five plus years it’s been my privilege to serve as a youth pastor for St Michael’s Church in Aberystwyth.
It’s clear that many ‘churched’ young people face the same difficulties and pressures as their ‘unchurched’ peers. And it’s not easy for them to live life like Jesus, to live contrary to the world’s values. However, it’s not impossible… I’ve seen prayers answered and hope restored in so many lives through prayer, and especially in 24-7prayer rooms. I believe passionately that prayer is the beginning of the answer for young people across Wales, which is why I’m ready to take this ridiculous risk and respond to God’s call…
What I’m planning to do…
1. Help catalyse 24-7prayer rooms across Wales;
I’m convinced that God is sending me into Wales as a kind of ‘prayer missionary’ on behalf of 24-7prayer UK… to call young people to pray, and to encourage the older generations in the Church to support, equip and join them. This will probably mean travelling around Wales quite a bit, meeting people and sharing stories, supporting groups, ministries and churches as they seek God for their own towns, villages and communities. I will be available to speak to churches and groups about 24-7prayer. I will be responsible for new prayer resources and websites in Wales. I will be training at least one 24-7 ‘Wild Goose’ intern, who will help me to help organise and set up 24-7prayer rooms (short/long term) and support to those who are praying. I also plan to draw together a ‘24-7prayer network’ across Wales, which will help us to fuel prayer through story-telling, training and encouraging one another. I have a feeling that I could be very busy!!
2. Help develop 24-7prayer in Aberystwyth;
2 Chronicles 7:14 is a call to humility, prayer, seeking God’s face and turning from wickedness… unfortunately, this doesn’t come easily. What I have found, over the past four years of 24-7prayer rooms in St Michael’s Church, is that when a place is set aside specifically for prayer, people will make time and are eager to come into God’s presence and seek His face. And for most people, these are wonderful times of breakthrough and blessing. (You can read our stories on the 24-7prayerUK website!) The Lord placed it on my heart during Easter 2006 to set up a prayer room that could be open 24-7-365 in Aberystwyth (probably not in a church building). We recently prayed non-stop for six weeks, 2nd February - 14th March 2008, in the old Theological College opposite the Aberystwyth promenade - I’m hoping that this was a foretaste of something permanent? (This 24-7-365 thing will, we hope/dream, become a base for 24-7prayer across Wales… funding this is a whole separate story though. Let me know what you think?)
How to support me
I’m writing to you, my friends, family and community, because I value your kindness and generous encouragement a great deal… I would be very grateful if you would prayerfully consider these practical ways that you can support me;
***prayer-friends: During our six weeks of 24-7prayer I felt the power of the prayers that people were praying for me… now, as I ‘leap into the unknown’, I would be grateful for a band of 10 friends who will regularly pray for me. Right now, I need prayer; a) that I will find favour across Wales, b) that the right doors will be opened to me/24-7prayer, and c) that the funding will be provided. If you would like to be one of my prayer-friends, please email me.
***money-friends: I have handed in my notice at St Michael’s, and my plan is to be available ‘full time’ for this new role from the end of August 2008. This means that I need to find about £1500 each month (if necessary, I will find some part-time work to support myself, but this will obviously reduce the time I have available). If you would like to become one of my money-friends and support me as I serve 24-7prayer across Wales, you can give a fixed monthly donation (£5? £10? £50? £100? …standing order is best, because I can claim Gift Aid), or a one off gift (please fill in the enclosed form for either).
As part of my partnership with you, I would love to send you regular prayer letters to keep you up to date with how I’m getting on and with some of the 24-7prayer room stories. Much love, Lindy. Email:
nice to read Lindy... We've not yet met but I'm praying for you today.
Thank you Kirk.
I've accepted you as a friend on Facebook. Have you checked out the 24-7prayer in Wales fb page. I'll send you an invitation.
Pilgrims together. God bless you.
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