Monday, 23 May 2011

Lindy praying and praising all the way in Miss Daisy - Llandrindod Wells – Leominster

I arrived late for the hand-over of the baton and book at Llandrindod Wells.  As I drove into the town a loud roaring shout rose up from deep inside, which I recognised, as the night before leaving Aberystwyth I’d had the same experience as we prayed for the project.  It was a battle cry in the spirit which broke the advance of oppression over the area.  I arrived expecting to hear what the battle was about.  Everyone, however had left the church except for two gentlemen who were praying in the beautiful prepared room which had been temporarily borrowed from the youth.  We spent a good half hour proclaiming blessing and speaking life over the Baptist Church and the people and town of Leominster.  As I tried to leave the town I was turned back by the Lord’s prompting and returned to the church in time for the children’s hour and spent much of the afternoon in fellowship with the lovely folk there learning what the spiritual needs are in the town and discovering what this barrage of oppression that I’d come against was.  I finally left knowing that the prayers being prayed in Leominster would be powerful and effective to break down strongholds. 

Of course this is Sunday and so there was going to be an evening service, which would be led by Greg Levers.  I was deeply impacted as he shared from the story of the feeding of the 5K, that we should be ready to give away all that we receive from Father God – and of course this is the very essence of the border prayers – ‘freely we’ve received so freely we give.’
The prayer room here was full of people right through the night.  It was vast, busy and full of really effective promptings and creative means of prayer.  And again God was, or should I say, IS tangibly present. 

“What I’ve found refreshing is that some of the older people who have come in to pray out of a sense of duty have been visibly softened as they’ve read the prayers and needs for prayer.”  This was a comment made by Katie Smith as their 24 hours come to an end.  There has been a paradigm shift in people concept of prayer and I don’t think they will ever be the same again.  As I sit in the prayer room writing this I’ve just heard an elderly gentleman mention that it has been a place of easy access to the Lord and that the Lord has been kept busy.

And all glory and honour and praise be to our God.

A very long couple of days with Miss Daisy - Craven Arms – Knighton – Ludlow – Preseigne

Craven Arms – Knighton – Ludlow – Preseigne
I came into Craven Arms earlier than expected.  When I went back to Miss Daisy to settle down for the night I couldn’t settle.  Then I heard the Lord telling me to pack down the van and to move on.  He said, “I want you to leave here NOW!”  So I drove to Craven Arms and in not finding a place near the church to park and with the lateness of the hour I was unable to ring anyone for help so I parked in a lay-by.  I spent the night buffeted by the wind created by the big lorries as they thundered past during the night and especially in the early hours of the morning.  I felt really uneasy about this to start with and wouldn’t get into my pjs or sleeping bag until the Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus had promised His angels to protect me.  So I settled down and slept solidly until the morning when I was exceedingly blessed to be able to prayer walk out on a country walk near the town which I accessed just opposite where I had parked.  Later I was told about about an incident which had happened just before I’d arrived at Church Stretton the day before where a man had stabbed his wife and then cut his own throat.  Neither had died but it explained the heaviness and dis-ease that I felt in that place.  When I came into Craven Arms Evangelical Church I was overwhelmed by the tangible presence of God.  I spent an hour and a half on my face, involuntarily,  and then stayed in the church until about 6.30pm drinking deep of the Spirit so freely poured out there and partaking of the food which was delicious and very much needed for my body.

Just to put you in the picture a little about what it’s like living, sleeping and travelling in Miss Daisy – when I arrived at Knighton, after staying and praying for a while I went to Pauline’s house and had a good long soak in a ‘Badedas’ bath.  Oh the bliss!  I felt almost human again.
Much of the night time slot was taken up by a priest from the Catholic church.  I stayed only a short time with him before bed beckoned me but he was an interesting character and clearly set on praying fervently for his English neighbours. Yes!!

I was busy at a conference in Newtown for nearly all of Saturday so only had time for a brief visit to Ludlow.  The church was all given over to praying for Presteigne.  They were totally selfless in seeking Jesus’ face to bless Wales.  Wonderful. 

I arrived in Presteigne in time to help Greg and Jon with the youth session.  There were just two young men there.  Brothers who both clearly know the Lord and were touched as we prayed for them.  The Lord graciously speaking to them through prophetic words and visions.  May they be blessed and grow on into the fullness of all that Christ Jesus has poured out for them.

We are enjoying greatly the fruit of the prayers prayed as the first week has been completed.  The flow of blessings and joy follows, overtakes us and comes back at us as we travel on.

Just some of what we've heard Father God saying ....

Today I want to tell you some of the prophetic words and pictures that the Lord has been blessing several people with.  This is just a sample.

o   I already told you a vision the Lord gave me of the battlements of Shrewsbury being passed through by a small child as the walls were like curtains.   I’ve been advised by two different people that this is a picture of the fulfilment of a prophecy given by Sharon Stone about Shrewsbury in which the Lord said that a small child (representation of Jesus) would go through the gate in the walls of Shrewsbury, and slay the dragon.  There was more that I’m sorry I don’t remember – if you do please put the whole prophecy,  up on the comments at the end of this blog. 
o   About Llangollen – The opportunity for Llangollen isn’t what the church can do for the National Eisteddfod but what the people of faith from other nations will bring to Llangollen that needs to be embraced.
o   This one is in the blessings book.  There were massive numbers of dandelion seed heads and the seeds were seen blowing across the nation(s).  This was the blessings, the Holy Spirit, new life, revival – and the dandelions were multiplying in number.
o   There is an increased urgency about the work.  The vision is in God’s timing.  Big days are coming when we will ALL turn to face the Lord.
o   In sewing together the two nations of England and Wales, down the border, we are sewing together the new wine skins!  Thank you Lord.
o   Cherry from Brockton saw the Offa’s Dyke walkers as a golden arrowhead.  There were angels going before as they forged their way through.  The track behind them was burning, like through paper as they zigzagged down the ancient border.
o   As Jenny prayed for Daphne Godwin at the launch on Friday night she saw two zips.  One was black and it was being undone, and the other was red, underneath the black one, and it was being done up.  The black zip represented the evil border being undone.  The red zip represented the two nations being brought together in the healing blood of Jesus.

o   Then today, as I prayed in the Newtown prayer room I saw a large pool, similar to a swimming pool.  There were many people sitting around the edge of the pool.  I knew that these people represented all of the people in all of the churches in Newtown.  Everyone was relaxed and happy and very much at ease with each other.  It felt like a holiday scene as everyone was dressed in their ‘bathers’.  Then the Lord showed me that this was like the pool of Bethesda (Bethsaida) and when the angel stirred the water everyone go in together.  No-one went first and no-one was left behind. Everyone entered the water simultaneously.  There was a healing of all the hurts and divisions in the body in the town and a unity in heart, mind and spirit.

o   Tonight I’m in Church Stretton.  Lord, please pour out your spirit of intercession on the younger generations.  They are blessed here to have some stalwart intercessors who would love to pass on the baton to those who are younger.

So the journey continues on into the heart of the nation with blessings going before us and blessings coming behind.  There’s no need to brush off the dust from our feet because we are being blessed everywhere that we go.  Praise the Lord.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Another day and night and day and night with 'Miss Daisy'

Llangollen to Oswestry to Llanfyllin to Shrewsbury

The prayer room in Llangollen was a peaceful haven or should that read ‘a piece of heaven’?. As I walked in I felt that I was home. Liezel had wonderfully facilitated a place of dwelling for the Lord and the Holy Spirit was gloriously present. I could describe the prayer stations but I’ll leave that to the film crew to give you a visual presentation (check this out at for those who are reading this on fb). I was there whilst the children’s prayer time was happening and ‘escaped’ into one of the quiet tents to be alone with God. We had business to do. For the first few days I’d really been feeling the battle and needed time alone to seek His face for the road ahead. My prayers were answered as the Offa’s Duke walkers came and we all prayed together for the blessings that are going back and forth across the borders but also for each other. I was so blessed by the Lord that by the time I got to Oswestry I was again full of hope and expectation and of course the Holy Spirit. It’s ok, those who know me know that I’m quite used to driving under the influence of the Spirit!! He always keeps me safe. It would be lovely if you could bless Liezel and Nathan in your prayers as having recently suffered a bereavement they have taken on the leadership of the church and that’s along with caring for a very young family.

And oh Oswestry. I love to worship and pray with like minded/hearted people and here I was welcomed as a long established friend. We prayed together into the evening and then I returned to pray in the morning having had a refreshing 2nd shower since leaving home! If anyone wants to bless me along route you can offer me a place to park my van, maybe electricity hook-up (I’ve got the necessary cable with ordinary plug) and a SHOWER ... lovely!

But it’s not about me. I’m glad to be a part of what God is doing.
I started yesterday by visiting Llanfyllin where the Lord has brought together some wonderful people who had set up a very intimate prayer room from the heart of a fellowship which was already releasing blessings into their community and are united as brothers and sisters of both nations to do so. The mix of Welsh and English Hymn singing was a great start and, as Yvonne commented, would not have been possible not that many years ago. ‘How good it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity’ Psalm 133:1 I saw here in this place what it will look like when these border lands are totally reconciled and have risen up in their destiny and give all of the glory and thanks to God.

Shrewsbury was my last visit for the day.
A place where we stopped and rested. We prayed with the regular Tuesday prayer meeting and actually hijacked it, quite intentionally, for we do come with an agenda, and fully prompted by the Holy Spirit we worshipped and prayed with these good people of Hereford. Then I had the joy of returning with ‘the walkers’ to pray again and we were greatly blessed to be joined by Richard Spenser, the vicar of Holy Trinity Belle View who has written a book called ‘Living Together in the Presence of God’ which tells the story of what God has done in their midst. We prayed a blessing over him and he us before we left and headed home to our hosts for a good night sleep.

This I saw as I prayed for Shrewsbury –
I saw the battlements around the town, not knowing if there are high walls but this is what I saw. Then a small child approached the wall sweeping it aside as a curtain and walked through it. I understood the Lord showing us that the battlements, the huge walls of hostility that have been defending the town of Shrewsbury from the Welsh is no longer solid but flimsy enough to be pushed aside even by a child.
I praise God for this. Hallelujah!

Monday, 16 May 2011

On the Road with ‘Miss Daisy’ From Chester to Flint to Wrexham to Whitchurch

The Chester prayer room was immense. It was a huge space with three zones. The first a place of seeking intimacy with the Father, oh yes! the second to pray for Chester and the surrounding area and the third to pray blessing on Wales. The station I loved most was for ‘praying against injustice’. It was so simple that I wondered why I’d not thought of it! A paper chain from which you broke one of the links and wrote your prayer on it. I just love the symbolism of breaking the chains – genius!

Flint was a very different prayer room. It was simple and uncluttered. There were two elderly yet sparkly old ladies there, and they prayed. Oh how they prayed. When the youth came into the prayer room they went into another room and they prayed some more. Then through the night abour 6 committed prayer warriors took up a vigil. I was so blessed to be included for a part of it. One of these intercessors was a lady who has been healed of lupus, her testimony is both inspiring and challenging as she speaks of the hope that she has for others who suffer from the same disease.

The Wrexam prayer room, situated under the tower in St Giles Parish church, was again simple. The most dazzling view from the top of the tower, which was 151 steps up a very narrow circular stairway, reminded me of Matthew 5:15-16 ‘Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’ As I looked out across to Whitchurch, my next destination, the Lord showed me that if I could see places away in the distance, so could they see the tower on which I stood, with the right vantage point. So the church of Christ needs not to be hidden but for His glory to be on display so that everywhere He will be visible. In the churches yes, but on the streets also. Streets that are littered with the consumerism and love of money which characterises the society we have created, littered with the hopelessness and despondency of generations who have forsaken God. For these two nations to be changed, we, the bride of Christ have to be responding to the cry of Father’s heart. And this, I believe, is what Go is stirring. As one nation speaks out blessing to another and as the other does likewise, ancient wounds are being healed. We heard from one intercessor that God had spoken these words last week, “I have moved the tectonic plates Wales.” She’s shared this with her son later and he told her that he’d heard an American speaking in Cardiff the night before and he’d said exactly the same thing! Well with God shifting the ground under our feet the only safe place to be is in Him, responding to Him, totally in step with Him.

As I went on to Whitchurch I had a headache that had been with me through the day, I was feeling very much in the battle, and really longing for this move of God that is unseen yet known to be, because sight is so much more than seeing with our eyes, or knowing with our emotions. I longed for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me, to my as yet unseeing eyes even a glimpse of the victory that we are walking out (or driving out in my case!). And at Whitchurch during a time of worship and corporate prayer He came and moved among us and touched us with His grace and mercy. My headache was lifting and then as I chatted with my great friend Lynne all of the tension that I’d been under dissipated and sleep came wonderfully and restoratively. Thank you Jesus.

I go on to Llangollen with an even greater understanding of God’s hand at work through this project. I’m a part of it and I know that He will sustain me through it and provide for all of my needs – because He already has in Christ Jesus.

The Border Prayer Room Project - On the Road with 'Miss Daisy'

For the fortnight of 14th to 28th May I am on the road in my camper van, 'Miss Daisy' and I'll be visiting and encouraging 28 seperate prayer rooms.  the purpose of thesse prayer rooms is for people on the welsh side of the border to pray and declare blessings on those who live in england and the same back the othert way.  To read more about the project go to  Stay here to read my blog of my travels.

On the Road with ‘Miss Daisy’
From Chester to Flint to Wrexham to Whitchurch

The Chester prayer room was immense.  It was a huge space with three zones.  The first a place of seeking intimacy with the Father, oh yes! the second to pray for Chester and the surrounding area and the third to pray blessing on Wales.  The station I loved most was for ‘praying against injustice’.  It was so simple that I wondered why I’d not thought of it!  A paper chain from which you broke one of the links and wrote your prayer on it.  I just love the symbolism of breaking the chains – genius!  
Flint was a very different prayer room.  It was simple and uncluttered.  There were two elderly yet sparkly old ladies there, and they prayed. Oh how they prayed.  When the youth came into the prayer room they went into another room and they prayed some more.  Then through the night abour 6 committed prayer warriors took up a vigil.  I was so blessed to be included for a part of it.  One of these intercessors was a lady who has been healed of lupus, her testimony is both inspiring and challenging as she speaks of the hope that she has for others who suffer from the same disease.
The Wrexam prayer room, situated under the tower in St Giles Parish church, was again simple.  The most dazzling view from the top of the tower, which was 151 steps up a very narrow circular stairway, reminded me of Matthew 5:15-16 ‘Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’  As I looked out across to Whitchurch, my next destination, the Lord showed me that if I could see places away in the distance, so could they see the tower on which I stood, with the right vantage point.  So the church of Christ needs not to be hidden but for His glory to be on display so that everywhere He will be visible.  In the churches yes, but on the streets also.  Streets that are littered with the consumerism and love of money which characterises the society we have created, littered with the hopelessness and despondency of generations who have forsaken God.  For these two nations to be changed, we, the bride of Christ have to be responding to the cry of Father’s heart.  And this, I believe, is what Go is stirring.  As one nation speaks out blessing to another and as the other does likewise, ancient wounds are being healed.  We heard from one intercessor that God had spoken these words last week, “I have moved the tectonic plates Wales.” She’s shared this with her son later and he told her that he’d heard an American speaking in Cardiff the night before and he’d said exactly the same thing!  Well with God shifting the ground under our feet the only safe place to be is in Him, responding to Him, totally in step with Him. 
As I went on to Whitchurch I had a headache that had been with me through the day, I was feeling very much in the battle, and really longing for this move of God that is unseen yet known to be, because sight is so much more than seeing with our eyes, or knowing with our emotions.  I longed for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me, to my as yet unseeing eyes even a glimpse of the victory that we are walking out (or driving out in my case!).  And at Whitchurch during a time of worship and corporate prayer He came and moved among us and touched us with His grace and mercy.  My headache was lifting and then as I chatted with my great friend Lynne all of the tension that I’d been under dissipated and sleep came wonderfully and restoratively.  Thank you Jesus.
I go on to Llangollen with an even greater understanding of God’s hand at work through this project.  I’m a part of it and I know that He will sustain me through it and provide for all of my needs – because He already has in Christ Jesus.
